Brave Faces Everyone is a follow-up to Los Angeles-based Spanish Love Songs 2018 Schmaltz. Self-described as "music for fans of boxed wine, divorce, and crushing self-doubt", Spanish Love Songs seems to tap into the emotions we all seem to feel but harbour.
The ten-track album, produced by guitarist Kyle McAulay at Howard Benson’s West Valley Recording, is steeped in the same detail-rich storytelling of Bruce Springsteen, The Menzingers and Manchester Orchestra. These songs represent the situations Slocum, McAulay, and their bandmates bassist Trevor Dietrich, drummer Ruben Duarte and keyboardist Meredith Van Woert experienced during 30-some weeks of rigorous touring during the album cycle of their previous record, Schmaltz.
Spanish Love Songs - Brave Faces Everyone
Record Label
Pure Noise Records
Release Date